Oldies But Goodies Cocker Rescue


Adult | Male | Adopted

Hi, my name is Colby and I am a handsome (or so I have been told!) 8-year-old black Cocker with a little white on my chest and one foot. I love all people, young and old, and I love playing with other doggies once I get to know them.

A couple of months ago, I had surgery to fix up my ears so I can't hear real well but that does not slow me down at all! I pay close attention to my foster mom (especially if she has treats in her pocket) so I know exactly what I should do. I especially love chasing and fetching my squeaky toys.

I have to tell you about my rubber chicken. You have all probably heard about people being served rubber chicken at a conference and that would be terrible! But I absolutely love chasing, fetching, carrying, and even guarding my REAL rubber chicken because I hear it squeak and I have to take care of it.

I am looking for my forever home (with my rubber chicken) and think with my happy and loving personality, I would fit in with almost any family. I love kids, get along with cats, love walks and walk well on a leash. So, if you think we would be a good match, you can just contact my foster Mom through our OBG website.

Hope to meet you soon!
