Oldies But Goodies Cocker Rescue


Adult | Male | Adopted

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Meet Schmooz! This adorable ~7 year old charcoal terrier mix was picked up as a stray in quite a bedraggled state and was in grave danger at the animal shelter so we agreed to take him under our wing as an honorary cocker. When we hear of especially wonderful doggies on death row it is hard not to help, so we swooped Schmooz up and didn't look back. He is a petite honorary cocker, weighing in at just 18 pounds!

Poor Schmooze has had a rough stretch lately, but he is now in the safe care of OBG where he is learning (or re-learning) that being a pet is supposed to be a good thing!

His foster family thinks Schmooze (who is known as “Moose” around his foster home) is mostly a Schnauzer. He is house trained, crate-trained, and is learning better leash manners every day. He is a very submissive dog, a little tentative and wary of things at first, but always friendly and sometimes even a little shy. He gets along great with other dogs, and – he may not want me to tell you this, but he’s a little scared of the no-nonsense cat he’s staying with. (Hissing freaks him out.)

His foster mom thinks Schmooze was likely someone’s pet in the past but he got loose, got lost and has been in survival mode for many weeks and is just starting to relax. He doesn’t fully believe that his days of difficulty are finally over.

If you can help Schmooze continue to relax and build up his trust so that he knows he won’t ever have to fend for himself again, he will reward you with sweet nuzzles, comfortable companionship, and – when he’s ready – some very goofy gallops around the house that will make you laugh.

If you are interested in meeting Schmooz, contact his foster mom today!