Oldies But Goodies Cocker Rescue


Adult | Male | Adopted

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Do you like stories with happy endings?  Well, read on because sweet 6-year-old Chance is a lucky boy and has quite a story to tell.

Chance has a very caring boy scout to thank for his arrival at OBG.  You see, his human angel came home from a boy scout meeting and told his parents one of his fellow scouts was really upset because his family needed to leave town to attend a funeral and didn't have anyone to dogsit so they were going to get rid of their dog.  This little hero and his honorable folks immediately agreed to dogsit for a week.  However, once they arrived to pick up Chance, they learned the family was in extreme financial trouble and getting ready to lose their home.  Because of this, they had decided to euthanize Chance.  Fortunately, this family knew there was a better answer.  They took Chance under their wings and got him vet care and searched for adopters.  They could not keep him because they were already at the max # of dogs allowed at their housing.  Then, they found OBG.  We were happy to welcome Chance into our cocker club where he'll undoubtedly find true and lasting love.

Chance immediately settled into his foster home and it's like he's always lived there!  He gets along perfectly with the other resident dogs.  He has lived with kids and cats before and got along with them as well.  He is laid back, likes to snuggle and is super sweet.   He doesn't ask for much but he's a bit insistent on claiming a spot on his humans bed!  Fortunately, his good looks take him far :)   This charmer is housebroken too!  Can it get any better?!

If you're looking for an easy, friendly, loving lad to welcome into your heart and home...look no further!  Chance is your boy.  Ask to learn more about him today!