Oldies But Goodies Cocker Rescue


Adult | Female | Adopted

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Meet Sweet Maggie who is about 9 years young.   Maggie was a stray living off the streets for quite some time, because of this, she needs to gain some weight, and still needs to be spayed when she's ready.  Maggie is as sweet as can be, despite her rough time on the streets with her nails grown into her paw pads and an eye injury, she's just a happy pup.   Maggie was a shelter favorite, and when our OBG volunteer showed up to get her, they could not find her in her cage,  she was on the shelter manager's lap!!
Maggie is mostly housebroken,  likes other dogs,  we're not sure about cats or children since she hasn't been around them.  Maggie is currently being treated for an eye ulcer.  When she came in to OBG, the day after, Valentine's Day, she had to be rushed to the emergency eye Doctor to save her eye.  Luckily, we are happy to report, her eye appears to be on the mend with drops several times a day and a cone for protection.  
 Because of Maggie's eye injury,  OBG needs help in raising money to pay the Vet's Office.  To date,  Maggie's medical bills just for her eye have totaled $2,000.     She still has another visit, and I'm sure one more after.  
Do you have room in your home and heart for Sweet Maggie once she's recovered?