Oldies But Goodies Cocker Rescue

Other Ways to Help

Whatever your talents and interests, you'll find that you really can make a difference!  Volunteers and fosters are not paid with this nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization. We hope you'll find that the amazing feeling you get when saving a life will be payment enough! 

OBG can always use an extra pair of hands for:

  • Grooming and bathing foster dogs
  • Photographing or videoing to promote kenneled dogs
  • Monitoring and responding to public inquiries through the phone or Internet
  • Administrative, management, and newsletter skills such as editing, typing, graphics, and journalism
  • Publicity  through the ability to post shows online or hang flyers in your neighborhood
  • Website skills such as updating and maintaining a very active website
  • Public speaking skills to further educate school children on the proper care of a pet
  • Fundraising or event planning skills to further strengthen this organization financially
  • Voting for OBG in the Animal Shelter Site's Shelter Challenge
  • Baking tasty treats and/or helping sell at our bake sales

If you are interested in volunteering or fostering, fill out our volunteer application and send it to volunteer@cockerspanielrescue.com today!