Oldies But Goodies Cocker Rescue


Senior | Male | Adopted

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Please welcome Freckles to the OBG Family!  Freckles is a very special boy looking for an equally special foster or adopter!  Freckles LOVES everyone 2 and 4 legged and all ages!  Freckles has been given the full spa package - neuter, groom, dental, knee X-rays, eye removal, and he’s started his treatment for heartworm disease! He feels soooo much better - smiling all the time!

Freckles is a senior pup at 12ish, 30 pounds and full of love!!  If you can help him transition into a home after months of kennel life, please email fosters@cockerspanielrescue.com!

Welcome Freckles! The best years of your life are here and we’re so happy to be a part of it!